Title Search Services
Full 30-Year Title Search
Comprehensive 30-year (or more if necessary) property search. Report may include detailed chain of title, deed abstracts, taxes and assessments, advanced plotting of metes and bounds legal descriptions, ROD & VCAP, copies of related stamped records, LiensNC database, NC Secretary of State Corporations listing, copy of prior title insurance policy, logistical and legal road access, and MUCH more. Click here to see detailed list.
Prior Policy Update/Tack Title Search
Limited property search. Also known as tacking, this type of search is confined to the period beginning at the issue date of a prior owner’s title insurance policy and brought forward from there.
Current Owner Title Search
Limited property search. Confined to the present property title holder or the last deed for consideration.
Bringdown/Gap Title Search
Limited property search. Prior to recording deeds and other documents at the Register of Deeds, one must search the “gap” or dates from when the full title search ended and the date and time of recording.
Custom Research / Special Projects
- Heirs’ Property Issues – Uncover missing descendants or identify rightful property owners through genealogical research.
- Identify unknown links in chain of title.
- Boundary plotting to determine overlaps or gaps when land was split from a larger parent tract or combined to create a new parcel.
- Locate improperly indexed documents or items erroneously attached to unrelated records.
- Discover existence (or lack of) easements, rights of way, or other recorded legal access.
- Contact us to learn more.
Historical Snapshot Title Search
Limited property search. You specify a date range, and we provide a snapshot of the title at that time including unsatisfied deeds of trust, equity lines, judgments, liens, and other encumbrances.
Document Research and Retrieval
Looking for a document that’s not within reach or tough to locate online? We’ll hunt it down and retrieve a copy directly from the Register of Deeds or Clerk’s Office in the necessary county. Certified
Items included in Full 30-Year Title Search
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Full Search Details
The following items may be included in a FULL 30-year Title Search:
Title Summary + Exceptions Form: Detailed snapshot of general information, potential encumbrances, and notes
Deeds in Chain: Annotated and/or individually abstracted as requested
Legal Description: Editable document containing property legal description from most recent deed with notes identifying discrepancies or possible conflicts from previous legal descriptions
Detailed Chain of Title Form: Comprehensive chart with instrument types, file numbers, grantor/grantee names, dates, legal descriptions, and notes
City/County Tax Info: Property Card, Street View Tax Map, Terrain View Tax Map, Current Billing Statements, Most Recent Receipt of Payment, Unpaid Billing Statements, Municipal Assessments (as applicable)
Tax Payment Verification: Lists of Real Property, Personal Property, Business Property. Most recent bill/receipt and any unpaid billing statements
Plats/Surveys: Copy of Recorded Plat(s) with notes, calls verified as needed
Custom Plotting: Detailed, color-coded Plot(s) using specialized software. Includes multiple images showing division of parent tract, out-conveyed portions, and/or how parcel boundaries changed over time. Includes detailed list of all plotted calls with call errors clearly noted
Register of Deeds: Grantor/Grantee (for current owner), Grantor (for previous owners), Plats/Maps, HOA/Covenants/Subdivisions (as requested), Old Books in Vault (as needed). Digital copies provided (ex: Deeds of Trust, Equity Lines, Substitute Trustees, POA’s, Easements, Agreements, Rights of Way, Covenants, Leases, Contracts, UCC’s, Intent to Affix, etc.)
Searched Records Form: Detailed summary of names, notes, and potentially relevant items found in VCAP system
VCAP/Odyssey Search: Owners in Chain (as defined in search parameters), Buyer Judgment Search (as requested by attorney), Digital copies provided (ex: Civil Actions, Liens, Special Proceedings, Tax Liens, Judgments, Lis Pendens, Registration, Miscellaneous, Estates, etc.), Screenshots of search screens.
LiensNC Search: Copies of Lien Filings, Appointment of Lien Agents, Screenshots of search screens
NC Secretary of State Search: Copy of Corporation Status (if applicable)
Prior Title Insurance Policy: Exceptions noted and copy of policy is annotated (if applicable)
Road Access: Direct/Indirect, Public/Private, (If Private,
Individually Abstracted Items (As Needed): Estate Files, Civil Actions (Liens, Judgments, Lis Pendens, etc.), Special Proceedings (Foreclosures, Petitions to Partition, etc.)
NOTE: Title Sleuth does not conduct any searches on PACER.
NC Counties Served
Need a document from another county? Contact us to ask about availability.
Ready to Order Your First Search?
Send a message and Danielle will be in touch shortly.

Danielle McClennan
Owner, Title Sleuth LLC